Saturday, February 28, 2009

Still no news...

Still no news about our travel approval. (I think that's what it's called) Anyways, still A LOT of stress with my mom's work and everything. At least it's only one more week until she can quit her job and stay home and take care of Kevin and everything! I am sooooo dissapointed! My friend volunteered to take me to see the most AWESOMEST movie ever! (Twilight) But, I can't go... my parents are both asleep. I'll just have to wait. The best things are worth waiting for. Well, I hope that everyone else is having a good time! Hannah

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Still no news about the next piece of paperwork!(I'm not sure which one we are waiting on this time.) But I still hope we get it soon! Please pray for me and my family! I have some tests this week and my mom and dad are going to work and are having tension with that... (mostly my madre!) I am sooooo happy! Today is Wednesday! The middle of the week! (Hallelujah chorus) I cannot wait for FRIDAY! I get to go to a dance at my school and I am going with my FRIENDS! NO ONE ELSE BUT MY FRIENDS! Thanks for stopping by! Hannah