Thursday, March 12, 2009

12 Days!

I can hardly believe that it is only twleve days until my parents leave for China! I am sooooooo happy! And yet, I am sad at the same time. I guess it's kinda bittersweet! I am sad because I will be away from them for 2 whole weeks! I am happy because I get to be away from my dad... and in the mornings, he will use his "retarded voice" and he'll yell "BYE, HANNAH! BYE!" And I'll just walk faster until I know that I am out of the public eye. On the other bittersweet part of things, I have to stay with my nana. It is nice because I like staying with my nana. She is really fun. On the other hand, she is kinda erally strict. Well, I guess that's all for now!


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Yay! Hooray! We got our TA!

YES!!!! The day has finally come! We got our travel approval! My mom and dad should be leaving in about 2 weeks and 3 days. (This is one time that I will actually READ a calendar!) Although I am happy that they are leaving in 2 weeks and everything, it will be hard taking care of a four year old who is just beginning to "branch out." And not in a good way. Boy, will I need therapy after this! Oh well, at least I will get the reward of seeing and holding the little boy we have been waiting for, for about a year! (Probably not that long but... ya know.) Anyways, PLEASE pray that me and my sister will hold up while my parents are in China! Thanks all! Hannah